Enough Interviews

Not Enough Interviews, Should I Panic?

Getting enough interviews is every medical residency candidate’s goal, and it’s a challenge for many. If you are wondering if you have enough interviews, it is reasonable to summarize that most successful candidates have 10 or more interviews before matching.

However, if you have only a few or no interviews, you may be wondering, “Do I have enough interviews? Should I panic!?”

Of course, the reality is that the best thing to do is to remain calm and work to understand your situation.

Ideas To Consider

1) Think about what you have and have not done. Is your application complete? Were there any missing components? 

2) Did you receive professional help with your application materials as well as targeting compatible programs? 

3) How many programs and how many specialties did you apply to? 


What To Do

If you feel like you do not have enough interviews and you have already applied, there are a few approaches you can take to help boost your chances of success. 

1) Make sure all elements of your application are present and nothing was omitted by mistake. Additionally, verify that application components have been correctly assigned to programs. 

2) Consider updating your Personal Statement. If you did not receive professional help, it is very possible you incorrectly or inappropriately addressed potential red flags in your application. 

3) Apply to MORE programs. If you are having trouble getting enough interviews, it only makes sense that you need to apply more broadly. You may consider including programs from backup specialties in order to broaden your program selection.

Please note: make sure you do not apply to programs past their deadline. 

4) Finally, be sure you are following up with the programs that you have applied to. Learn about recommended practices to Follow Up With Programs


In Summary

Basically, in order to get enough interviews, you can only do a few things (come mid-application season…). Review your application, update all documents you can, apply to more programs, and follow up. 

If you still do not have enough interviews by January, you will need to start seriously considering preparing for the Post-Match SOAP. Take action by preparing yourself before it is too late: What You Should Know Before the Post-Match SOAP.