Post-Match SOAP 2022 - Important Changes and Updates

Post-Match SOAP 2022: Important Changes and Updates

As a Match applicant, you’re hoping to receive good news on Monday, March 14. Finding out that you’ll begin residency in July will feel like a dream come true and is truly the culmination of years and years of dedication. The reality, though, is that not everyone will Match–even well-qualified applicants. If you had a small number of interviews (or none at all), feel your interviews did not go well, or just suspect you might not Match, the smartest decision you can make is being prepared for the Post-Match SOAP.  Knowing all about the Post-Match SOAP 2022 – Important Changes and Updates is key to your success.

In this article, we’ll provide a basic overview of the SOAP process and highlight some changes to the timeline from previous years.

Post-Match SOAP: A Brief Overview

Residency candidates who do not Match during the Main Residency Match® have the opportunity to participate in the Post-Match SOAP. The Post-Match SOAP gives eligible residency applicants a second chance to find a residency position. Throughout Match Week, SOAP candidates will access the List of Unfilled Positions through the NRMP®, research and apply to programs through ERAS®, have interviews, and participate in Offer Rounds.

Post-Match SOAP 2022: Important Changes and Updates

Unfilled Program Announcement/Program Research

In previous years, the SOAP took place rapidly. Applicants had just 4 hours to review the List of Unfilled Positions, complete program research, and apply. This year, there’s a bit more time for this important part of the process.

You’ll have 23 hours to review the List of Unfilled Positions, complete program research, and apply (from 9 a.m. EST on March 14th through 8 a.m. EST on March 15th).

Then, at 8 am EST on Tuesday, March 15th, programs will begin reviewing submitted applications. It is crucial that you have submitted all 45 of your applications before 8 am EST on March 15th.
While not required, this strategy increases your chances of success in the SOAP.


After all 45 applications are submitted, residency candidates must wait for programs to contact them for interviews. Do not contact programs yourself. Interviews are generally held over the phone or through a video chat system like Zoom.

The interview part of the Post-Match SOAP begins on Tuesday, March 15, at 8 a.m. EST and lasts until Thursday, March 17th, at 9 a.m. EST, which is when Offer Rounds begin.

Last year, interviews began at 3 p.m. EST on Monday, just 3 hours after the system opened to candidates.

Offer Rounds

Offer Rounds are two-hour windows of time when programs submit residency position offers for candidates to Accept or Deny.

There are four Offer Rounds, and they all happen on Thursday, March 18th. If a candidate misses an offer or chooses not to reply, the offer will disappear at the end of the Offer Round. After the fourth Offer Round, SOAP will conclude and the List of Unfilled Positions will update to include programs not participating in SOAP. For a detailed breakdown of the Offer Round timeline, visit us here.

Historically, Offer Rounds were completed over a 2-day period.

The Post-Match SOAP officially concludes after the last Offer Round, ending at 9 p.m. EST on Thursday, March 17th.

Now that you know how the Post-Match SOAP works, head over to Electronic Residency for more information on how to best prepare for success in the SOAP.

Electronic Residency wishes all applicants success in the Match! We hope you’ve found this article insightful and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the Post-Match SOAP. Simply email us at

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